About me

What would you like to know?

I grew up in rural County Derry about a mile west of the River Bann. During those childhood years, I developed a deep connection with the Irish countryside. A connection that would stay with me to this day. A connection that inspired my lifelong mission to explore as much of Ireland as I possibly can. To be a tourist in my own homeland.

Over the years, my interests have included architecture, civil engineering, geography, maps, surveying, golf, cycling, running, hillwalking, photography, writing, computer aided design, graphic design, and building websites. Some of these interests influenced the choices I made as a student. Some have steered the path of my professional career. Others were destined to become my hobbies.

Today, the city of Belfast is my home. I am married and have two sons (born 2012 and 2016). My lifelong mission of being a tourist in my own homeland has now become a family project and continues to evolve as my sons grow.

Some day, I hope to see a VW campervan playing a supporting role in my adventures. For now, that is one of my two dreams. The other is to finally publish that trilogy of novels I started writing way back in 2004. When these dreams become reality, I will make sure to post the necessary updates in my blog. In the meantime, while you are waiting for those two particular pieces of news, you are very welcome to follow my blog. I intend to use it to share my upcoming adventures in Ireland (and occasionally beyond), and to make whatever recommendations I can along the way. You can also find me on various social media platforms. “Follow” buttons are located at the top and bottom of every page.

Thank you for stopping by. Please call back again soon. I hope my projects will inspire, inform and entertain you.